We dinghied over from Covered Portage Cove to Killarney to have the famous fish and chips for lunch at the Red School Bus.
Here is the original:
Dinghy Ride Over to Killarney
Filed Under Dinghy News
Related Pages The PT Eleven Nesting Dinghy Builder's Sharespot: Continued work … | Dinghy for Bounder – FMCA Motorhome Forums
We dinghied over from Covered Portage Cove to Killarney to have the famous fish and chips for lunch at the Red School Bus.
Here is the original:
Dinghy Ride Over to Killarney
Filed Under Dinghy News
Tags: capsize, covered, covered-portage, dinghied-over, dinghy, famous, famous-fish, killarney, report, rousmaniere, sailor, school