What's in store from the RYA at the RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show 2014 …
Alongside the hundreds of exhibitors, boats, kit, talks and presentations taking place at this year's RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show, in association with Yachts & Yachting, the RYA has a whole host of events taking place throughout
Optimist Dinghy Founder Completes a Century — Across the Ocean
News for the Optimist Dinghy enthusiasts- IODA founder Viggo Jacobsen has successfully completed 100 years of his life on February 13th, 2014. Lovingly known as “Father of Optimist Dinghy ”, the ever spirited Jacobsen has
Improve your sailing skills with a visit to the RYA Suzuki Dinghy …
If you want to improve your sailing skills then a visit to the RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show 2014 is a must. Alongside the hundreds of exhibitors showcasing the latest boats and classic designs, kit, gear and gadgets, loads of great