Daring dinghy dash across North Sea | Yachting Monthly

A dinghy sailor is planning a daring dash across 145 miles of North Sea on 27 June to raise cash for the lifeboat. Martin Evans planas to sail his Laser from West Mersea, Essex to Scheveningen, Holland. The passage could

Daring Laser dinghy dash across North Sea | Yachting Monthly

A dinghy sailor is planning a daring Laser dinghy dash across 145 miles of North Sea on 27 June to raise cash for the lifeboat. Martin Evans planas to sail his Laser dinghy from West Mersea, Essex to Scheveningen, Holland.

Originally posted here: 
Daring Laser dinghy dash across North Sea | Yachting Monthly

Google Earth as a tool for planning dinghy cruises | Tomski.com …

I enjoy cruising my sailing dinghy around the rivers and coastline of Essex and Suffolk, and have recently discovered a feature in Google Earth which makes planning trips that little bit easier. Google Earth now has a 'historial …

See the rest here: 
Google Earth as a tool for planning dinghy cruises | Tomski.com …