Kieler Woche (Kiel Week) reaching a climax « Irish OK Dinghy …

Sunday is the last day of Kieler Woche and it's getting pretty tight at the top. A bunch of OK Dinghy World and European champions are still in the hunt for this year's prize in the Kiel regatta, one of the most prestigious regattas …

Read more:
Kieler Woche (Kiel Week) reaching a climax « Irish OK Dinghy …

Earwigoagin: New Production Dinghy from France

Romain, “Earwigoagin's” European correspondent, emailed a heads up about Group Finot's new production dinghy , a 4.3 meter, 14 footer called the “Albatros”.

Here is the original:
Earwigoagin: New Production Dinghy from France

Dinghy Fishing at Sea | Dinghies Boats


See original here:
Dinghy Fishing at Sea | Dinghies Boats

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