"Hear The Boat Sing": The Burnell-Perry Thames Dinghy; Or With …

Hart Perry sculling in his dinghy with the cerise coloured blades… As has been mentioned before on HTBS, there will be a cocktail reception, raw bar, and silent auction in memory of Hart Perry on Friday 9 March between 5:30 ..

Continued here:
"Hear The Boat Sing": The Burnell-Perry Thames Dinghy; Or With …

381 Dinghy & Lift

Any recommendations on dinghy /lift combinations that work for the 381 Meridian?

Go here to read the rest: 
381 Dinghy & Lift

Riding the Whoopie Cushion – Sailboat Dog

I’ve mentioned before about a boat that Joey said was called a dinghy . Well, our dinghy is sort of like a balloon, I know this because I can smell the air that is inside. It’s very small compared to all the other boats that I’ve now had …

See the original post:
Riding the Whoopie Cushion – Sailboat Dog