S/V Totem Family: When bad things happen to good dinghies

As cruisers, our dinghies are a lifeline. So when we heard from our friends on Ceilydh this morning that yesterday's beautiful day had ended on a sour note when their dinghy was stolen, we had an inkling of the kind of gut ..

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S/V Totem Family: When bad things happen to good dinghies

CKD Boats – Roy Mc Bride: Duckling Dinghy to St Helena island and …

The blog title? well our Duckling dinghy knows all about St Helena Island, so much so it has carried the crew of Ocean Cloud to the island while being at anchor in Rupert Bay and then hauled out and parked on the island …

Here is the original post:
CKD Boats – Roy Mc Bride: Duckling Dinghy to St Helena island and …