What's on from the RYA at the RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show 2014 …
Alongside the hundreds of exhibitors, boats, kit, talks and presentations taking place at this year's RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show, in association with Yachts & Yachting, the RYA has a whole host of events taking place throughout
What's in store from the RYA at the RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show 2014 …
Alongside the hundreds of exhibitors, boats, kit, talks and presentations taking place at this year's RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show, in association with Yachts & Yachting, the RYA has a whole host of events taking place throughout
Optimist Dinghy Founder Completes a Century — Across the Ocean
News for the Optimist Dinghy enthusiasts- IODA founder Viggo Jacobsen has successfully completed 100 years of his life on February 13th, 2014. Lovingly known as “Father of Optimist Dinghy ”, the ever spirited Jacobsen has