Helford River Sailing Club » Dinghy Racing: June 10th
Helm, Crew, Class, Name-No. PY, Pos, Min, Sec, Sec, Correct. Andy Biggs, Karen Biggs, Nat 12, 3326, 1095, 1, 54, 16, 3256, 2974
Here is the original post:
Helford River Sailing Club » Dinghy Racing: June 10th
Helford River Sailing Club » Dinghy Racing: April 1st
A scholarly and muscular performance sets Phil Samuel at the head of the Henry Cowls sponsored PY dinghy fleet. Perhaps goaded by a 2011 season bereft of prizes Phil spent the entire winter welded to a mountain bike.
Originally posted here:
Helford River Sailing Club » Dinghy Racing: April 1st