Boat Bits: A very small dinghy…

Fact is, I remember once being seriously impressed when we shared an anchorage with John Wayne and his converted mine sweeper whose dinghy sported a shiny new British 2HP Seagull outboard. If someone had told me …

See original here: 
Boat Bits: A very small dinghy…

Working Party – Saturday 26th Nov – Dinghy Park Reorganisation …

Now that Howard, Roy, Wayne and assistants have completed the resurfacing of the dinghy park in a breathtakingly short period of time. It now remains for the reorganisation of the boats in line with what was at agreed at the …

Original post: 
Working Party – Saturday 26th Nov – Dinghy Park Reorganisation …

Saving the Life of a Hypalon Dinghy – Cruisers & Sailing Forums

My poor old ding-a-ling has had a very tough life over the last 15 years. Unfortunately now much of the 'grey' outside of the hypalon has come off where I sit, and where it has spent 1000's of miles.

Here is the original: 
Saving the Life of a Hypalon Dinghy – Cruisers & Sailing Forums

Page Three Boat Pictures: Wayne's very old clinker dinghy

Wayne’s very old clinker dinghy . I saw Wayne slip this into the water at Rye beach in Victoria, just before he used it to bag agood catch of flathead. He popped the lug sail up in minutes and took to the water with no fuss at all.

Originally posted here: 
Page Three Boat Pictures: Wayne's very old clinker dinghy